How fast can I get an Appointment or an IT Computer Repair Technician to come and see me?
Normal we only need few hours notice. If you call in the morning you are almost always guaranteed that your computer will be repaired within few hours. We pride ourself on the same day service. Sometimes we can get really busy and there might be some delays but if its urgent or if you are one of our business clients that have Urgent support we will guarantee same day service and computer repair. Even if we can not come out and repair your computer we will arrange a technician form one of our sister companies to come out and see you to repair computer or whatever needs repairing.
What if our problem is urgent or outside business hours?
Computers don't care about the time and sometimes it can brake outside business hour. As our Clients you don't have to worry. If its really Urgent and we will come out and repair it even outside business hours. There is a call out fee and surcharge on labor for after hour IT Support but at least you know that if you ever need us badly we will be there to help you with your computer and IT repair problems no mater what time it is. FVT IT and Computer Repairs Gold Coast have you covered.
Do you provide after hours computer repair service on gold coast?
YES we do. As mentioned previously there is a Call out fee and surcharge on labor but we can help you any time of the day or night. FVT IT and Computer Repairs Services has you covered if you are on the Gold Coast however we don't offer urgent after hour support for Brisbane clients but we can do after hours remote support if possible as most computer problems can be eliminated remotely.
What kind of payment do you accept?
Here at FVT IT and Computer Repair Services we find that most people these days do Net-Banking as a payment for computer repair. We also accept Cash, Cheque and Direct Debit or Money Transfers.
We do not accept credit cards or bank cards as we found that not as many people would pay via credit card or bank card for their computer repairs on the gold coast. -
What happens if I am not happy with the service or computer repair?
If you are not happy with how your computer was repaired here on the gold coast just simply tell us and we will work with you to try and resolve the issue. We pride ourselves on the service we provide and if you are not happy with something just simply let us know. We are always ready to help. IT and Computer Repair is what we do and we do it best.