Hard Drive failed or stopped working?
Don't panic FVT IT and Computer Repair Services has you covered.
We can recover your data and get your files back. All you have to do is turn off the computer and call us. Don't let anyone tamper with it or use any software that will modify the disk as that will greatly increase the chances of failed recovery.
In most cases we will be able to recover the data of your drive and even if we cannot, we work closely with Professional Data Forensic Recovery specialists which have very expensive machines that will do the job that we can not. So either way IT and Computer Repair Services Gold Coast has you covered.
We also offer a fixed price service.
After we inspect the drive we will give you a quote of how much it will cost to recover your data as there are a number of reasons your drive may have failed. There are no additional costs even if it takes longer than we expected.
How long will it take?
Depending on the fault. Some drives can be recovered in a day or two whereas some might take a week or two. We don't give up until you have your data back. We love challenges and we will keep working hard to have your hard drive repaired and your data recovered and safe.
Disaster recovery and prevention planning.
Prevention is always better than recovery. FVT IT and Computer Repair Services can do an analysis of your IT infrastructure and recommend the best ways to back up and prevent a loss of your precious data. Just call us now for a peace of mind.
......WE DO IT ALL...........
or Email: support@fvt.com.au